“here, i stand”

In September of 2023, I had the honor of being nominated as Artist of the Month by Studio 323, just five months after I made my first ever piece. In my busiest season for photography, I challenged myself to create two collections of work to be featured for my debut gallery show, which was the opening of my run as the September Artist. I wanted the pieces to be a nod to my past, both to the person I was when I used to live in Phoenixville, and to the person I became when I left, spending my college days in the roaming, sprawling New York City. It was important to me to share these parts of myself with my new community. And thus, the tranquility and eliot collections were born. One a bursting tribute to the parts of me finally lain to rest within acceptance and peace; one a deep love letter to the pieces found within me during those years of isolation. Featured as well was my senior thesis, “when all this is over we will celebrate”, which unfortunately, due to the pandemic, was never seen by the public.

“here, i stand”, is a glimpse onto the path I took to get to where I am now. Both lamenting and liberating, it has allowed me to put down the preconceived burdens of my past and spread my wings, full and wide.